Online Instruction
The CTRE supports quality online instruction at Chicago State by providing training,
resources, and review of online courses through the faculty-led Distance Education
Committee (DEC). If you're thinking about teaching online or have been assigned an
online course, consider the following:
- All instructors who are teaching online courses are required to have received training in online instruction, either from a previous institution or through the CTRE's Online Course Training.
This training consists of a five-week, asynchronous online course led by our instructional
design team. If you haven't already, reach out to us today to find out how to sign
up for the next round of training.
- All new online courses are subject to a thorough review by the DEC. The DEC uses the Illinois Online Network (ION) rubric to ensure all courses are
accessible and have appropriate structure, engagement, and assessment strategies,
as well as resources and other basic elements required for online learning.
Click here to learn more about the course review process and for resources for instructors and students.